What type of wood is best and why?
Can't I use any kind of wood to braai or in my fireplace?
No, not all wood is ideal for your braai or fireplace. Don't burn wood that has been coated, painted or pressure treated as they can release toxic fumes. Here are a few other types of wood to avoid. Green wood, soft wood, driftwood and wood / trees covered with vines to name a few.
Why is the right wood important?
The right wood for whatever your purpose is important. There are wood types that give your meat a certain flavour, wood that gives magnificent flames and wood that burns long and gives you a decent amount of coals.
What is the best wood for a fireplace?
using the correct wood for your fireplace is as important as using the correct wood for your braai. Wood types with a high moisture content in general creates a lot of smoke and is not ideal. Dry hardwoods are better and the top choice are Kameeldoring or Sekelbos.